Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pick Up Stick Challenge

When we went and visited my Nanny and Papa, me, Nikau and Teina had a quick game of Pick Up Sticks. I like playing this because you have to think carefully about what stick to choose to get, and when you move another stick you have to leave it there and then maybe someone else can have a chance at getting it.  We didn't end up finishing  because we took Gypsy my dog for a quick walk.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Baby Possum

Last night me, Nikau, Levi, and Leah went possum shooting.  We went across the road to a farm.
Nikau shot a possum in the tree and when it fell to the ground I saw a baby possum in it's pouch on it tummy. It was so cute. I took it home to show mum and dad. We gave it some kai. It sleeps all day in a cat cage, and wakes up at night for kai and a play with me. I don't know if we will keep it, but it is little so we are feeding it.



Friday, April 17, 2020

Riding down on the ranch

Today me and my brother went bike riding down in the paddock. My bike is a 4 stroke 125DRZ. When I was down there I was doing wheelies, and Nikau, mum and dad were watching me. It's easy to ride now, but at first I was nervous to ride it. Nikau pushed me to give me a start, and I was into it.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

First day of Term 2

Today we started back at school. I had breakfast, and got ready to join our class Google Hangout.
Mrs Stevenson talked us through our Class Site and where to find things. Then I went into Reading Works and did some articles.
After that, me, Nikau and mum went outside and played gutter board. We has 5 different levels to complete to be the winner. Me and mum are still going, we are on level 5 - the hardest level. We are on a tie.  Then I did some jumps on my scooter.
For dinner we had American Taco's from HelloFresh. They were delicious!!
I am enjoying working from home because I can have a break when I want, and the pantry is at home for me to snack from :)




Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Easter

On Easter Sunday morning my mum made us pancakes for breakfast. We had whipped cream, jam, butter and maple syrup, but I only like maple syrup on mine.
We had some Easter Eggs but not too many. Then I drew the biggest Easter Egg on the window with chalk pens. It is easy to rub out if you make a mistake.
We had a cruisey day.



Saturday, April 11, 2020

Helping around the house

This morning my mum gave me, Nikau and Teina jobs to do.
My jobs on my list were:
* Make my bed
* Rubbish out
* Washing out
* Vacuum room
* Wash out Meow Meow's kai bowls
* Wash front windows
* Do a blog post

When we have done our jobs we are allowed to chill. I like helping clean because the jobs get done quicker.



Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Last night Nikau and I went out for a possum shoot along our road.
We went out on my dad's quad bike, and we chased the wild possums, hares and cats.
We chased this hare for 2 nights before we caught it. We shot 12 possums, 2 hares, and used lots of bullets. We used a 22 gun.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Another working day

We went out on the oyster farm again today. We left home at 6am today, so not as early as the other day. It was a long day, we got home at 4:30pm.
We made new rails where the old ones were, because they were rotting and falling over. I helped carry the wood to my dad, and me and mum slid the posts over to him through the water, for him to bang into the mud. He had to hammer them in with a post rammer.
When I didn't have a job, I had a swim, the tide was very low, and I made mud pies.






Sunday, April 5, 2020

Everyone keeping fit!

Today I went for a bike ride around the Lake while mum, dad, and Nikau ran around it.
Then me and Nikau took our puppy Gypsy for a walk on the farm. She had a swim in this trough to cool down.


Friday, April 3, 2020

Working on the Oyster Farm

Today me, Nikau, mum and dad went to work on the oyster farm. My dad is still working because if he doesn't the oysters will die. Our farm is over in Te Tii, in Kerikeri. We had to leave home at 4:30am to get low tide, but we watched the sunrise. We clipped all our baskets onto the rails, then on the way back to the landing me and Nikau did some manu's off the barge. That was fun!