Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Baby Possum

Last night me, Nikau, Levi, and Leah went possum shooting.  We went across the road to a farm.
Nikau shot a possum in the tree and when it fell to the ground I saw a baby possum in it's pouch on it tummy. It was so cute. I took it home to show mum and dad. We gave it some kai. It sleeps all day in a cat cage, and wakes up at night for kai and a play with me. I don't know if we will keep it, but it is little so we are feeding it.




  1. Wow, how cool Kahi. The boys found a baby possum and he got really tame. He is now living in Auckland with my sister and her flat mates. They love him and he gets treated like a real baby. They have even house trained him.

    I look forward to hearing more about your baby possum. Tell Mum I said she should let you keep it hehe. Keep posting photos too.

  2. Kia ora Kahi,
    I really miss my possum shooting adventures I used to have when I worked in Dunedin on a farm. We looked after Yellow Eyed Penguins so I used to do a lot of trapping and shooting of ferrets, stoats, possums, hedgehogs and feral cats.
    I never found any baby possums, your one must be a bit older and not far from leaving its mum.
    Have you given it a name? Could it become a pet for your family?
    Nga mihi,

  3. Kia ora Kahi.
    What a surprise it must have been to find the baby Possum in the pouch! He looks pretty friendly and playful, with that jacket you're wearing maybe it thinks you are a tree. What are you feeding him? Thanks for sharing such an interesting post on your blog.

    Gerhard Vermeulen
    Manaiakalani Education Trust

  4. Kia ora Kahi,

    I really enjoyed reading your post about the baby possum. I must confess to feeling a bit sad that it has lost its mum. I'm glad you are looking after it though. Do you think you'll keep it?

    I've been reading a boy's blog called Cameron who has started making his own Hunting and Fishing episodes. You might enjoy checking his blog out as I think you two might have some things in common. His blog address is I will share your blog with him too.

    Thanks for sharing all about your baby possum. I hope that he remains in your family for a while.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Sharon Spragg - Teacher from Christchurch
    Sharon Spragg

  5. Hello Kahi
    I like going out shooting with my dad. Before Lock down we did rabbit shooting.
    What have you called it?
    Cameron- Lochiel School Southland

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  6. Thank you all for commenting on my post. How cool to read all your comments.
    I have called our possum Dixie, but we are not sure yet if it is a boy or a girl. My dad used to poison possums and pluck their fur, but he likes the little ones too.

  7. Kia ora neph! Cool photos! Make sure dad doesn't make a jacket out of Dixies fur!


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